If you also want to quickly and safely manaege your weight and burn fat deposits, then this is exactly what you need.
It has been proven that many diseases are caused by intestinal mucus and parasites, so it will be possible to get rid of that illnesses if they are cleaned.
During a lifetime, more than 15 kilograms of toxic residues can accumulate in the human intestines, poisoning the blood, as well as causing irreparable damage to the body.
Therefore, we want to present to you a natural medicine with the help of which you will be able to clean your intestines in three weeks.
This is a real miracle, the main ingredient of which is flax flour.
Here’s everything you need to do during those three weeks:
1st week
1tsp flax flour+100g of sour cream or kefir
2nd week
2tsp flax flour+100g of sour cream or kefir
3rd week
3tsp flax flourr+100g of sour cream or kefir
Eat this instead of the breakfast for next 3 weeks and you’ll definitely see the result.
And also during that, you must maintain the water regime by drinking 2liters of clean water per day.
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