The kitty Zoe amazed her soon-to-be owners into taking her too when they came over there to adopt her sister. She had a immense black heartshaped mark on her chest.
Surprisingly, no one had ever noted this bilogically accurate heartlike area before. Her people instantly became fond of this incredibly cute feline, and the 2 black and white cat sisters stayed together.
Zoe’s heart and fur expanded as she grew. Her long furr has earned her the cliche ‘The Fluff,’ although she is famous as the ‘Queen Of Hearts’ as well.
Both the sisters Zoe and Izzy each have their own IG accounts, which has lots of followers. At first, all eyes were on Zoe and her fabulous heart-mark.
But, the sisters have lately become extremely popular as this adorable cat has amassed quite a fanbase of her own, due to her alluring and artful expression of face.
Although they are sisters they have very different personalities. Izzy is courageous and audacious, whereas Zoe is more watchful but super curious. Both of them are queer cats.
They are incredibly loving, both to their people and to each other. Look at these adorable pictures and find out if they can conquer your heart as well.