As long as one does not live in the mountains, it is hard to imagine that anyone has a better opinion of goats than puppies.
That said, watching this video of the most beautiful goats ever collected may just change your mind.
I may be wrong, but these must be some kind of mountain goats.
I did not believe in the agility and speed of these puppies. And when I saw the jumping ability of some of them.
I had to rub my eyes in disbelief several times. I’m still amazed, to be honest.
There are so many things in this video that are worth mentioning that I do not know where to start. There are goats on everything. Two of them jumped on the roof with one leap.
True, this can be bypassed-but not unless you’re a techie who knows what he’s doing.
How about a baby goat that jumped back and forth on the backs of two Shetland ponies, all of which were free-ranging? Wow!
Although this scene shocked my mind, it did not make me a goat cub ascending with a longhorn, amazingly adorable.
What else? Someone is playing with a dog, someone is playing the most beautiful baby buzz, there is a large herd of goats, which happily come out of the barn, talking about the storm.
God, this video is wonderful.
What do you think about these puppies? You are as impressed as we are. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.