The owner of the savage buried his old dog alive, because you will be astonished


The cruel man decided that he did not want his dog anymore because he was old and useless. Instead of finding him a new home or taking him to a shelter, he did the unthinkable, writes ilovemydogsomuch.

He drove to the forest and buried her alive. Yes, this is a disgusting thing, but miraculously this story has a happy ending.

In Spain, the rescue team received a call about the injured dog, but no one was able to prepare them for everything they were going to see. The rescuers got in their car and went to the scene.

It was then that they saw the dog, which was later named Titan. The poor old woman had pulled her head out of the ground. The rest of him was buried under it.

The volunteers had seen a lot in their day, but it was horrible.

Who can leave such a dog? Titan was about 12 years old. He had to live his golden years spoiled and loved. Instead, he was brutally abandoned so that he could never escape on his own.

There was no time to lose! The rescuers worked out a plan to take the dog out without further injuries. It would not be easy He froze from the look on Titan’s face.

The women took a blanket from their car and started to take it out. They reassured him that he would be fine, as dirt and stones would be removed from his body

It took some time and a lot of patience, but Titan was finally released. They rushed him to the ambulance clinic. He was exhausted, dehydrated, and visibly injured.

He had a severe wound in the abdomen. The veterinarian and his staff immediately went to work. They gave Titan IV fluids and painkillers. Titan was very brave.

The sweet dog was finally able to rest. They gently placed him in the nursery and watched him around the clock. In a few days, Titan improved dramatically.

The medical team was so pleased with his progress. They said it was normal for him to build a house.

He will soon be able to leave the veterinary clinic.

Titan now lives in a nursing home. He overcame his injuries, but of course, since he is older, he still needs a lot of TLC.

He will spend the rest of his days feeling safe and happy. We could not have demanded a better end.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch. tv

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