Fortunately, the cat already has msnu friends and a wonderful foster mommy who helpl him live a full life.
The kitten was 10 weeks old when it was brought to the shelter with many wounds and injuries.
He was so thin and exhausted that only his skin and bones remained. He needed immediate heelp, but was full of sheer will to live.
The kitten needed a lot of care and attention, which was difficult to provide only in the shelter.
Therefore, volunteer Michel Fourner, who takes care of various animals, hearing about this cat, decided to lend a helping hand to the boy, giving him a chance to fight for his life.
That night, Michelle could not sleep and when it was finally morning, she rushed to the shelter to bring the baby home.
When they met for the first time and she hugged Indy , the kitten immediately snuggled into her arms, as if feeling that he was in very safe hands.
True, Indy has a number of health problems but she is ready to help the kitten overcome all difficulties.
Therefore, thanks to her efforts, a big change was noticed in the kitten in a very short time.
His wounds started to heal and he also gained weight.
Indy may not be able to walk on his hind Iegs, but that doesn’t seem to bother him at all, as he has so much energy and enthusiasm that he can climb anything he wants.
Also there are other kittens in the house, who immediately became friends with each other and received their new guest very warmly.
One of the cats in particular,with a name Flash, adores Indy and has taken on the role of the kitten’s big bro.
He is by the kitten’s side at all times, supporting him in any matter. Now Indy is everyone’s favorite and he obviously likes it a lot.
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