The hungry horse was too scared to look into the eyes of its rescuers


Sue Widing, the co-founder of the Horse Shelter in Spain, has seen it again and again. The light has completely disappeared from the eyes of neglected or abused horses, writes the dodo.

This was the case with one of the last rescuers to arrive at the Easy Horse Care Rescue Center (EHCRC) in Alicante.

“When he came in, he was like a house with curtains drawn over all the windows,” Widing told The Dodo. “This is the case with so many rescued horses. there is nothing there, they give nothing, and they do not stand out. They will not reveal anything about themselves. ”

The fish, now called Tamarisk, came in with another young horse last month after police seized it from its owner, who was starving them to death.

Tamarisk was in such a bad condition that the rescuers estimated that he was about 20 years old. Then they found out that he was only 9 years old.

“When he was rescued, he was so weak he could die,” Widing said. “It was very tangible.”

Tamarisk could not even lie down in his new stable. Rescuers were worried that if he tried, the bones of his thigh could pierce his skin. He was also covered in scars, showing the horse’s physical deterioration, which had been used for breeding all his life.

“He was very dehydrated, very dehydrated,” Widing said. “He was completely beaten on the ground. There are scars on him. God knows what he has to do. “We have never seen a young horse so broken.”

The fact that Tamarisk would not look anyone in the eye was particularly troubling, as one of the means of recovery was emotional.

This is where patience and time come from. The weed is accustomed to waiting for months or months for the horses to finally trust him. He spent time standing next to Tamarisk, stroking his bleached hair along the areas where he had scars.

Soon the hungry horse calmed down a little. He even started eating again, he refused to stop.

“Now we can really eat into it,” Widing said. “He eats, we give him as much as he can eat. And he just does not stop eating. “It’s so close to seeing them come back like this.”

Then something really beautiful happened. Tamarisk began to raise his head so high that he looked into the eyes of the woman who had saved him.

“He has bright eyes now, ears up, he is alert,” Widing said. “It looks like the curtain has been lifted, he’s actually looking at things, I’m a little more noticeable.”

Widing decided to name the pirate Tamarisk, which is a special personal name for Weeding.

“His face reminds me of Tamarisk, the horse I had in England years ago,” Widing said. “When you name these animals, you are not in a hurry. You lie there at night and think.

“Should we call him that, should we call him that?” More often than not, when you’re actually with them doing something with them, the name suddenly pops into your brain. “You know exactly what you’re going to call him.”

The weed expected that it would take much longer for Tamarisk to rise. He’s pleased that he made so much progress in just a few weeks.

“I doubt he will always worry about new people,” he said, “but the wonderful thing about me is that the curtains are open, you see their eyes alive again.”

The EHCRC rescued more than 100 abused, neglected horses and donkeys from all over Spain; they worked with police for years to help law enforcement figure out how to detect animal abuse and save lives like Tamarisk.

“You can learn a lot from a horse’s behavior, how they look at you, how they act around you,” Widing added. “He deserves everything we give him.”


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