The former pianist plays Beethoven for abused elephant in a video, go and enjoy it


Former professional pionist Paul Barton has encouraged a fondness for elephants. Their wild abuse as log pulling animals in Thai forests pushed the thought of this proficient entertainer.

A 61-year-old past logging elephant named Mongkol was fortunately defended by Elephant’s World and by and by participates in a quiet life close to the River Kwai.

Paul found the wound elephant, uncovering that he esteems the sound of piano music.

The truly troublesome work practices of the tree pulling industry in Thailand provoked Mongkol’s body becoming contorted all through the long haul.

He in like manner lost both a tusk and his right eye due to the normal extreme practices. Ensuing to holding with the sensitive beast, Paul saw that one of his #1 pieces is Beethoven’s “Night shine Sonata.”

Beethoven’s prominent individual “Nightfall Sonata” is without a doubt a brilliant piece, yet even the essayist himself would never have imagined that one day his strategy would quiet a misused elephant.

Mongkal is doubtlessly moved by sympathy ex-proficient piano player Paul Barton, and the world is better for it. What a profound separation from his prior persevering as a depleted log pulling elephant.

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