For the past 8 years, Raylan has been doing an amazing job, acting as a father to dozens of newborns.
He has such a big heart that it seems his love will be enough for everyone.
He cares for each one as if they were his own pups. The doggie always likes to be busy.
Caring for puppies gives the dog the purpose he needs in his lifee.
Recently, the 2 kitties were found in the garage of the house, without their mother, all alone and dehydrated.
They clearly needed help, but unfortunately their mother was nowhere to be seen. That’s when Raylan came to the rescue.
It was simply love at first sight. Both kitties just adore Raylan.
They followed the dog wherever he went and wanted to touch him and be as close to him as possible.
They love it so much when the older dog picks them up and carries them with his mouth.
It brings so much joy to the kittens, and Raylan is happy to fulfill his obligations.
Raylan also had a rough start in life. He didn’t get the care and attention he needed because his family left him on the street when he was just 2 years old, but luckily good people came to help.
Now, Raylan and his mommy are on a mission to help as much homeless babies as possible.
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