Kind girl drops her coin into street musician’s hat and gets an unforgettable surprise


A big surprise comes to a young girl who stops to give a coin to a street musician. When things suddenly change, the city is filled with shoppers carrying shopping bags, families, and elderly couples enjoying the day.

One man begins playing the upright string bass after the girl deposits the coin. As he begins playing the well-known “Ode to Joy” from Beethoven’s 9th symphony, he is donning a fancy tuxedo.

While smiling, the girl stands and watches him. A cellist suddenly joins in with the music out of nowhere. There’s more, and the girl is taken aback.

More people leave carrying instruments one by one. In the square, there are french horns, trumpets, violins, and even timpani playing together.

To help the musicians stay together, a conductor arrives. The historic melody was written by one of the world’s greatest composers, and now more than 50 people are playing it together.

At the point when you figure it can’t get any greater, an ensemble of voices starts singing the verses.

As the audience, hundreds of people gather to witness this magical moment. Mobile phones are being held high to record the once-in-a-lifetime spontaneous concert, and people are running over to watch.

The music puts a grin all over as children hop and dance enthusiastically. The group of performers bows to the ecstatic audience and receives thunderous applause.

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