He was able to become one of the most famuos actors of all time. John Wayne started his amazing career in completely different field, but that didn’t stop him from becoming th biggest movi star of his time. It wasn’t easy in the beginning, but he wasn’t going to stop…
Wayne, who was quite famous and talented, managed to appear in many many films and all of them turned to be very successful.
Being married three times, he had 7children from those marriages. Although some children of actors always remember that their parents were not there for them when they were growing up, John was definitely not one of them.
When he died, his children decided to talk about him and tell everyone the truth about their beloved father. So here is everything you need to know about the star and there is also how his life ended.
Wayne, who was born in1907 on May 26, wasn’t actually his birth name. Instead, the real name of the famous entertainer is Marion Morrison. He changed his name for the first timewhen he was very young and it was because his parents had a dog named Duke.
The thing is, they called him little Duke, and he liked it a lot. Throughout his life, he always insisted that peopIe continue to call him like that.
When he was 11years old, his family moved to Glendale, where his father started workin as a pharmacist.
However, at that time the family faced many serious problems and it turned out that living in California is not that simple that they expected it to be.
After all, the events that happened during that time gave John Wayne many things that were of great importance for the rest of his life.
The time spent there helped him a lot. Of course, those were quite difficult days in their lives, but perhaps he was able to find solace in his new school and the new people he met there.
He was enrolled in GIendale High School and it was there that he first became interested in acting.
At that time, he also played football and did well in all his classes. Then he decided to participate in student theater performances and he really liked it.
After some time, he also started leadin the debate team, became a member of the dance committee and then the drama club.
Wayne also continued to play football and was the captain of the team. He earned a football schoIarship after leading the team to a championship season.
He was a good student and studied very hard, but because the school was expensive, he had to drop out and start working. But that wasn’t definitely the only reason he dropped out of college.
It looked like young John was going to be an NFLplayer. He was good at everything, but once he hurt himself while bodysurfing.
Wayne was soon able to get a job at a local film studio, both as a record man and as an extra in several fiIms. He met some of the most important people in cinema, such as John Ford who really taught him a lot.
He also learned to make movies during that time and the first experience he had was with the aforementioned Ford when they starred in the movie “Mother McCree”.
Since he had worked there for a while, many people already knew him, so director of the mvie decided to give John his first job.
He was still Marrion Morrison at the time, because studios didn’t Iike names liker that at the time, cause they wanted classic sounding names instead.
And how did he change his name? “Winfold Sheehan was the head of FoxStudios at the time, who was also a big fan of ‘MadAnthony’ Wayne.That’s wht they took the name ‘Wayne.’ As for ‘John’, it came up in conversation because it seemed to match ‘Wayne’ .”
From then on, the one his family called “Duke” became known as John Way, and it was the beginning of one of the most famous careers in history. Wayne then gave people a string of great movies, starting with the classic Stagecoach.
Already in the 1950s he had many hits: The Quiet Man, Rio Bravo and TheMan Who Shot Liberty Valance. Already in 1968 came the “TrueGrit”.
Wayne became famous very quickly and every movie was a great success. However, even after all that, he did not consider himself a big star, but instead, he always thought that “Duke and John” were 2 totally different people who just lived in the same body.
He once said “The guy you now see on the screens isnt really me.”
“I’m Duke, who will never be a movie star like John whom I really know. And let me say more, I am one of those students whom he undoubtedly knows best. Even I get my money from him.”
These days, many actors prepare for roles by tryin to be the charavcter they will be playing. A big part of playin someone else is being true to that person, so a good actor will wan to know everthing about their role.
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