Drivers will agree that finding a suitable parking space is a real pain and it is rare to be able to find one nearby.
It also happens, that very often, people illegally park in unauthorized places, which can even become a matter of life and death.
For example this is what can happen when people decide to park in front of a hydrant.
2months ago, the firefighters of New Jersey released a photo showing broken windows and a hose running through them.
The incident took place during the fire that broke out in the street.
“Never ppark in front of a fire hydrant. It is very dangerous and illegal.
Always remember that comfort is not worth your life”.
It is clear that people do not do this on purpose and cannot imagine that it can have such irreversible consequences, taking lives.
The next time you park somewhere, think about whether it is dangerous for your or someone else’s life.
People who witnessed all of that felt very sorry for those whose cars and other cars were destroyed.
Hope that people have learned their lesson from such incidents…
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