Rescue LaCrystal Ricken is the founder and director of the Reggie’s Friends rescue team in Houston, Texas. He saw a heartbreaking photo of a dog sleeping on a dirty armchair outside.
He went to pick her up immediately, writes ilovemydogsomuch
“He was out in a parking lot in a not-so-beautiful part of town,” Ricken told The Dodo.
“Someone wrote that they went to the gas station, there’s this skinny dog. “I wanted to take him because it was not a safe place.”
When Rike arrived at the gas station, the mother entered. It was dark. Rike even gave her the name Anike. Rike published a Facebook request.
“I put the topic, ‘Hey guys, can you get out of here?’ I can not find him. “I’m going to leave him overnight because I’m sure he has found a safe place.”
The next morning two volunteers returned to find him. “They started knocking on the door, asking people if they had seen him,” Rike said. “But no one has seen him, no one has seen him.
And then this little healthy female [street dog] appeared. we named her Tessa.
He is trying to get their attention, to take them back to this little hut, where people have dumped all kinds of garbage – car parts, food waste. ”
Finally, they found him. “He was lying on the bench you see in all the photos,” Ricken said.
Rike met the other volunteers at the gas station. He was thrilled to see Aniken, so they decided to take him back to the rescue centre with Tessa. At first glance, they all thought that Aniken was just a “malnourished street dog”, but in reality, his condition was much worse.
“When we get home, he’s starting to get out of the box, we start to see these huge infected wounds,” Ricken said. “And they are flowing, they are still infected.
My husband and I used to say: “Okay, we need to take him to the vet right away.”
When he came to BluePearl Emergency Pet Hospital, they discovered even more problems with Aniken. He was covered with lice, which ate at full power. This put a tremendous strain on his organs.
The medical team was concerned about something else: Aniken was being used as a bait dog. His work was the worst they had ever seen. The poor dog was used a lot for the target practice.
At first, Rike was not convinced that this was true.
He claims that the term is often misused, but when the veterinarian opened his mouth and showed him that almost all of his teeth had been pulled out so that he could not bite, he immediately knew that this poor dog had fallen victim more ways than one.
Aniken has scars on the wound, on wounds that do not heal. The invasion of lice worsened the situation. He was not coagulating properly, և the wounds that needed to be healed were badly infected.
“All those wounds that were flowing, they were flowing because someone had sewn them by hand,” then you take into account all the scars on his face, and you start to connect them, there is no other answer.
this was his life. He was a bait dog. The intention was that he would not live at all, which is terrible. ”
Aniken had a long way to go. Since she had to stay at the medical centre, one of the nurses there wanted her to feel as safe as possible, so she gave him a stuffed elephant to keep company.
A dog that had nothing to be tortured and then thrown away finally had a safe place and a plus to befriend.
Aniken was not recovering at all, but he understood that this stuffed elephant meant that he could start bonding, that his vile life would stay with him forever.
When Aniken began to heal, she made her way to the foster home. And guess who came with him. Yes, his stuffed elephant.
Nothing will be fair or easy for Aniken.
No one can say for sure what the dogs remember or what they leave behind. But it was definitely that Aniken’s days were spent on dirty armchairs with gas stations.
The days of using a dog as bait are over. The days of abuse, squandering and never being loved are over.
Thanks to Aniken’s rescuers and foster family. He is safe forever. And favourite. Please consider donating to Reggie’s friends so that more dogs like Aniken can be happy.
Source: ilovemydogsomuch. tv