The sweet little boy, who is now smiling non-stop, hasn’t always been so happy.
When the shelter volunteers met him, he was in such bad shape that he already smelled of rotting flesh.
Despite the hardships he went through while wandering the streets, he still continued to trust people and always wore his sweet smile.
It was that smile that eventually led to him being adopted by Amy Matsushima.
“When I saw him, I knew he was the one and I went to bring him home the very next day.”
Now, sweet Shortcake lives with a very loving family.
Shortcake now has the best life imaginable and most of all loves sleeping and playing with other dogs. Besides, he smiles non-stop and it’s so sweet.
Shortcake already has his own Instagram page, where his human mother tells about all his progress and adventures.
“He even smiles when he sleeps and it is so precious,” Amy said.
Shortcake has every reason for that sweet smile. He likes to sleep a lot and can cuddle non-stop with the people he loves.
His smile is so infectious. Let’s look forward to the updates about our sweet boy.
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