It is one of the most heart breaking things when we hear about any case of animal cruelty.
We animal lovers can never understand how humans can treat these creatures so barbarically.
They deserve only the care and love of people, and to say the least such treatment of these creatures is unfair.
Fortunately, however, there are still people and also many organizations that are always ready to reach out to help, protecting these animals that need immediate help.
One of them is Animal Defenders International, which, after hearing about Mufasa, organized his rescue in a very short time.
The animal lived chained in a circus fo 20 years. Can you imagine how painful and cruel it is to live almost all your life in chains,just like a slave?
No animal deserves such treatment. The hero of this story is poor, helpless Mufasa, who has lived all those years chained to a bed as a circus animal.
It turned out that he was the only animal left in captivity, as wild animals are prohibited in Peru.
Thanks to this organization, his salvation, which he had dreamed of all his life, finally arrived.
Thanks to the efforts of these people, he was finally released.
Unfortunately, the mountain lion was deprived of the opportunity to live in the wild, as he had to spend his entire life chained in a cage.
The rescue team, understanding everything very well, decided to take Mufasa to a sanctuary in the Perouvian forest, where they built a special enclosure for him.
There, the lion, who had been caged for many years, could finally enjoy his life, living in perfect peace and freedom.
He felt like a natural resident there, because the staff took wonderful care of him.
Sadly, the hard life in the circus could had its consequences on the life of the wild animal and it caused great damage to its health.
Shortly after moving there, he was diagnosed with many health problems, to which age problems were added too.
All of this shortened the adorable animal’s life and he sadly died a few months after moving in.
The wild animal closed its eyes forever, enjoy the last moments of its life in freedom.
Here you can also watch the movie about Mufasa’s life… What a heart-touching story.