The homeless man’s dog disappears, and the shelter organizes their reunion


Anthony Rogers is an artist who fell through some difficult times and eventually became homeless on the streets of Memphis. But he is not alone in life.

Next to him is his best friend and pet, Bobon the dog, whom he rescued from the drug house as a puppy. And Bobo repaid that debt by helping to keep his father off drugs and on the right path in life.

But when Anthony woke up one morning and saw that his dog was gone, he was devastated. He contacted his friends and posted leaflets all over the city.

A few weeks later, a shelter worker recognized a dog from the poster who had just been brought in as Bobo. They called the number and organized a nice gathering.

Bobo is so happy to see his master you can say that the bond between the two is inseparable. They are so important to each other, would not they change their friendship with the world?

And thanks to Utopia Animal Hospital, Bobo was sterilized, inoculated with microchips.

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