Motherly love is so strong that nothing can stop it, writes ilovemydogsomuch
This story is proof of that. When the stray dog was severely injured by the car, he still took excellent care of his cubs.
Although his leg was broken, it was not only difficult but almost impossible to walk, he continued to follow his cubs to make sure they were fed and cared for.
The streets are a difficult place. Especially when there are busy roads with fast cars.
Dogs are forced to cross those streets to find food, water, and shelter. Many were hit and left with devastating injuries. People wandering in poor areas are raging, and many remain to be injured.
When this mother dog was spotted by the rescue team, she was still feeding her cubs, and it was painful to sit down.
He never pushed them, which was very surprising because the puppies are constantly rejected. Mama still kept her two cubs clean with her kisses, chasing them as they ran, even though her leg was broken in several places.
The rescuers finally took the small family and took them to their clinic. The veterinarian did an X-ray, he knew that his mother needed surgery. This was expensive, the rescue team had to raise all its resources to pay for it.
Through donations, Mother underwent surgery the next day. The puppies were supervised by volunteers, they behaved so well.
The operation was successful, the mother never complained. Even when he was in pain, despite the painkillers, he was a totalitarian. It astonished his new human friends that he was so warm and friendly, even though he had spent his whole life on the streets, ignoring them.
When the mother was recovering, her leg was in a cast, and her cubs were brought to her.
They were so happy to see that their mother was safe. He kissed them, and they hugged him. The small family slept while the volunteers spent the night.
It was time for the mother and her children to go to a foster home. He will spend some time there recovering, after which he and his cubs will be available for adoption. We pray that they will find loving homes.
Their life on the street is forever in the past thanks to good rescuers. Check it out below to see their full story. Thank you to all those who saved this precious family.