Animals are such sweet creatures and this also refers to wild animals.
No matter how many people think that animals cannot have emotions like humans, this story will show the opposite.
This was a sweet and touching moment when a baby koala, who was only six months old, stayed by his mother’s side the whole time she was operated on and no one even would try separate them…
It all happened in Australia after being hit by a car, when the mother koala, named Lizzie, was taken to hospital with lung and facial injuries.
Fortunately, little Phantom was not injured in the car accident.
The staff, seeing them, concluded that since the baby koala is very little, it would be better to leave him with his mother.
He sat next to his mother and hugged her neck all the time.
He seemed to express his love and support to his mother by constantly hugging her.
And it seemed that his love really worked.
“Phantom was with Lizzie every minute, both during the operation and treatment”.
The bond between mother and baby is truly priceless and can do wonders.
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