We want to tell you about the lovely story of this married couple and their 14 boys. They really wanted a girl, but after 14 sons, they had their first daughter on November 5, 2020.
Michigan is where Kateri and Jay Schwandt live. Their family is extremely large. While having 14 children brought them joy, having a daughter remained one of their greatest goals.
When their daughter was born, their oldest son was already 28 years old. In an interview with a television station, they discussed their feelings: We are in shock that this is taking place for us.
We waited almost three decades for her. We are accustomed to calling our children by that name, so we continue to refer to her as “he” rather than “she.”
We don’t have any pink things at home, but soon we will. “In the video below, you can see the excitement and happiness on their faces. They are extremely proud of their accomplishment.
They are aware that it is extremely challenging to give their children the attention they require at every stage of their lives, whether they are adults, teenagers, or young children.
However, that is what enriches and enriches their life. The infant’s father stated, “Now she is going to have other interests, and we are not going to hear only about hockey and football.”
In the video below, you can see additional details about this large and content family. We trust you enjoyed it. You can share this with your loved ones to show your support for us as well! Have fun watching!