Alvin Wells, who lived in Harlem, the Netherlands, was fascinated by the unique adventures of animals and birds.
Recently, the animal lover shared a bitter-sweet moment when he released the cubs into the wild.
Alvin rescued several cubs five months ago. But the children were stuck on the ice and had nowhere to go. So this kind man brought them home. He took care of them and fed them as he was.
Alvin had been preparing for their release for a long time.
Soon the little ones were ready to go wild. He first sprayed water on the goggles’ feathers so that they would be strong enough to fly in the event of a predator attack.
He had chosen a place where there was enough water for them to swim.
The place had a sloping plane so that the birds could come in and out comfortably. It was an open space where they could see the predators from afar. He had a lot of grass to feed.
He took the cubs to the cage and took them to the pond. After discovering the Lord flying in the area, Alvin was convinced that this was the perfect place for his boat, as the Lord catches small fish. But the best was the water fence near his house.
Alvin did not know what the birds would do when they were released, as some of the birds released earlier had flown and some remained. But when he let go of the beautiful birds, they jumped for joy.
He was still listening to the birds. Alvin found all the birds that were returning to their chosen place.
He soon noticed two of them on the ground while one of them was already swimming.
The other two joined in and enjoyed their time outdoors. The next day, when Alvin returned to inspect the Goslings, he saw the four of them walking around together.
He was happy to see that everyone was having a good time together.