The woman was walking there when suddenly she heard a whimper from behind the fence.
When she went closer, he saw a little cute pup at the construction site, where no one was at that time.
Because she could not cross there by herself, she called her husband for help, who managed to get the puppy out of there.
When the woman held the puppy, she immediately fell in love with him, who looked at her with sparkling eyes.
They loved the puppy so much that they decided to take him home but first they took him to the vet to get all the necessary vaccines.
So on the same day, they went to the clinic with the baby, who, after being examined, turned out to be completely healthy and after that had also received the vaccinations.
On the way home, they also bought everything necessary for the new member of their family at the pet store.
He just felt great in his new home. It turned out that the dog is very smart, because he quickly understood all commands.
He is also very kind and friendly, because he has already made friends with all the dogs in the neighborhood. What a great rescue story!
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