It was such a heartbreaking moment…
The cub was found “crying for mother”. He was in a backyard of one kind man.
Fortunately, he was soon reunited with his mother and it all happened with the help of very kind people.
At first, the owner of the house heard a cry from their garden, after which they found a fox cub there.
At that time she was completely alone and crying as he was looking for his mother.
So they immediately called the volunteers, who quickly arrived to help.
When they got there, they saw that the poor cub was all “wet” and “alert”.
At first, they decided to carefully place the cub in a basket so that if its mother suddenly appeared, she would notice her baby and take it out easily. They hoped that its mother was somewhere nearby.
After feeding and caring for the baby, they left the cub in the garden, in a very safe place.
During all that time, he was still being watched, waiting for his mother’s return.
The owner of the house watched the little one throughout the day and provided suitable conditions for him.
We are so happy to report that a few hours later his mother came and took her baby safely. What a wonderful reunion!
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