Hero Pit Bull Dog Fights Off 6-Foot Shark To Save Owner Life From Attack !!!


If you are a dog owner, you know what unconditional love your pet gives.


You are their world և they are happy to show you their eggs, sometimes in a strange way.

It happened to James White, who went fishing in Sonoma County, California. He spent 10 minutes fishing while struggling to roll over. But he was surprised by the 6-foot shark.

James tried to remove the monster’s trap directly, but tragically, his lower leg was bitten by a shark…

The screams were so loud that they caught the attention of Darby, his one-year-old pit bull, who was standing a few feet behind the car, waiting for his master.

So Darby went for a moment and bit the shark, which immediately responded with a stronger bite.

Then he was ready to grab it by the tail and pull it from James’s leg. See how White shares this incredible story…


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