Festivities especially on 4th of July are never over without fireworks. For lots of people who do not have pets this might be okay.
However a few people know that fireworks make pets anxious, they may become agitated because of that. Such case happened with our story’s hero Rajah.
When the fireworks started days before 4 July she became spooked by that noise and ran away from home. Her parents tried to go after her but they lost her.
They started searching for her. The searches lasted for several hours. Mary Lynn even made a post on her Facebook asking people to react if they see their dog.
Also they said that Rajah was microchipped and her tag has phone numbers. But after several hours of searches not being able to find anything they surrendered and went back home.
That night was a terrible one for them and they were hoping to find Rajah the next day. They did not know that they would get such a big surprise at 3 AM. Their doorbell rand and guess who was that. Right,Rajah.
The couple just laughed off as they saw the face of the dog. Later they saw that Rajah used her nose to ring the bell. And then she was waiting to see wether it worked, or if she has awoken her humans.
The couple wondered how the dog knew the way to ring the bell. They said that they have just moved in and Rajah is usually inside the house and also their doorbell is rarely used.
So it turned out that Rajah was just a very smart pup, and thank goodness she is. This story may be a good reminder for those who use fireworks. You should know that dogs hear the sounds sharper than humans do.
And the sounds of fireworks, guns pisses them off. It can eve cause irreparable hearing loss.
Here are some things that pet owners can do to ease their dog’s anxiety during festivities.
In the mornings take them for long walks, it will get them tired at night.
Distrast them with toys and tasteful treats.
Play calming and relaxing music if you can.
Also use a Thundershirt it is a special wrap-around shirt that will ease anxiety with gentle pressure.
And if none of these works give them some medication after checking with your vet.