Everything started 15 years ago as all TV channels spread a very unusual news. The fact is that a girl was born in one of Alta’s maternity hospitals, weighing about 8kg.
In this article, we want to tell you what later happened to this girl, what she looks like now and what kind of life she lives.
She is actually quite an amazing child who deserves all of our attention and kind words.
As for newborn girls, the standard weight for them is considered to be about 3.3 kg, which is slightly higher for boys, up to 3.5 kg.
Sometimes it also happens that babies weighing up to 5 kg are born, and parents usually find out about the size of the fetus in the middle of pregnancy.
Then the woman is prepared for a possible caesarean section. The size of the baby depends not only on heredity, but also on the diet of the mother during pregnancy, its quality and regime.
In the case of Nadya’s parents, the delivery scenario was cesarean section and Tatyana was already ready for this. It was their 11th baby.
The most interesting fact about their family is that each child was born larger than the previous one, so Tatiana thought that their daughter would be born weighing 5 kg or more.
However, when the baby was born, she surprised the whole maternity hospital when she was weighed immediately after birth.
The scale showed almost 8 kilograms and it was simply amazing. Since Tatiana was a fairly experienced mother, she was able to take care of her daughter easily and the only difficulty was rocking her.
Of course, it was not easy for the mother ․ Of course, the girl had no health problems, but she was under strict surveillance.
When the story about htr appeared on the Internet, it spread across the country in no time.
Many people, wanting to help the family with many children, sent money to them. brought diapers, clothes and lots of toys.
The girl now feels great and is growing like her siblings. A year later, she was already walking and had learned to speak confidently.
Being 7 years old she wasn’t actually a giant and went to a regular school with her peers.
She started losing weight every year, looking like a normal kid. Nadia is already 15 years old, and now enjoys her life with her big and loving family.
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