When talking about huskies, first of all think about their very gorgeous appearance, but as for this husky, he has congenital disorders and his face looks droopy.
His breeder tried to sell him, but couldn’t because of his appearance, even though the dog was healthy.
No one wanted a dog that looked like that. Of course, it is so sad that people pay attention to the appearance first, even though he has a very sweet and wonderful character and can become a wonderful life companion.
However, thinking that there would be no one who would want to take the dog home, he decided to give the husky to the shelter.
When the workers there saw him, they immediately fell in love with the sweet boy.
Of course, they also knew that finding a forever home for the dog would be very difficult but they didn’t lose their hope.
The dog had already been there for about a year and a half, so the workers decided to share the dog’s story on social media, hoping that at least it would help find him a forever home.
And fortunately, it worked out. After that post, the sweet boy was finally adopted by a very kind family who immediately fell in love with him after seeing his extremely unique appearance.
Moreover, they also have two other Huskies, who quickly became amazing friends. What a happy ending!
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