How Merkulov’s quintuplets live as they are already 3 years old; The story of their long awaited happiness


The married couple Alexander and Anastasia Merkulov gave birth to five children simultaneously in the summer of 2017.

In the end, five children were born, despite everyone’s expectations of four. The young parents were not at all offended by this because if there weren’t four, there were five!

As a result, the couple had a long-term goal of having a child, but it never materialized because of the constant challenges it posed.

Anastasia believed she was responsible for this. Therefore, every pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage. Nastya informed her husband Sasha in 2016 that she was pregnant once more.

This time, the mother was getting ready for scheduled cesarean surgery, and the pregnancy was saved until 32 weeks.

She experienced a great deal of trauma during this procedure because her mother was extremely weak and the doctors were literally fighting for her life.

The shocked doctor came to the ward when her health improved and said, “Nastya, you must survive.” You are going to meet five adorable babies.

Their long-cherished wish had come true, and the Merkulovs were overjoyed! How they managed to keep up with so many young children was frequently brought up.

When the children were young, Anastasia managed on her own, with help from her spouse after work. After six months, Alexander planned a trip to help his wife when the children started to crawl.

In this manner, it’s been a long time since the quintuplets were conceived.

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