After more than 15 years of devotedly publishing stories about her duties, Betty Reed Soskin has announced her retirement. She recenty turned 100 .
She left a great legacy at HomeFront NationaI Historic Park, spending 15 selfless years there.
She recently turned 100 years old, after which she was declared the most famous park keeper in the United States.
They also organized a great event for the woman to celebrate her retirement. It took place on April 16.
On that day, the legendary woman officially announced to everyone about leaving her duties, which she had performed with great love and responsibility.
The woman first worked as a clerk in the Union Hall, after which she and her husband, Mel Rid, opened their store under the name “Reid’s Records”.
However, due to circumstances, their shop closed after a few years, so she had to look for another job.
So the 100-year-old brave woman found a new job with the National Park, becoming a ranger after turnin 89.
Besides being a very punctual worker, she also took charge of social projects, sharing various memories and brilliant new ideas at the visitor center.
The brave woman says that she is very proud to be the main subject of the history presentation.
She also added that the new design of the national park is quite pleasant for her.
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