Rescued baby orangutans take a wheelbarrow ride back to nursery after a forest escapade


Endangered orphaned orangutans are now taking wheelbarrow rides to school in Indonesia.

International Animal Rescue has established a forest school in Indonesia’s eastern Borneo Island to teach orphaned orangutans fundamental life skills such as climbing trees, building nests, grooming procedures, and learning what to eat.

The orphans can readily learn skills that their mothers would have taught them, and the orangutans can form ties with one another in this type of environment.

The lovely apes were recently released from captivity and are clinging to one other. International Animal Rescue personnel at their rehabilitation center in Ketapang, West Kalimantan, in the Indonesian side of Borneo, took the adorable photos.

Young orangutans, like human children, learn a lot through imitating and copying each other. As they form ties with one another, they will progressively lose their reliance on their human babysitters.

The Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation manages the Menteng Orangutan Rescue Center, founded in 1999 by Lone Droscher Nielsen (who is now retired). Around 450 orphaned and displaced orangutans live there.

Nyaru Menteng is in the province of Central Kalimantan in Indonesian Borneo, just outside the capital city of Palangka Raya.

The institution has developed from humble beginnings to become the world’s largest orangutan conservation facility.

Save the orangutan relies heavily on local collaborations. Most Save the Orangutan’s programs and projects are carried out in partnership with the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOSF or BOS Foundation).

BOSF is Indonesia’s largest organization dedicated to saving the critically endangered orangutan.

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