Greet Walter – an english bulldog who loves to sit like a human in his favourite chair


Meet Walter a 1 year old English bulldog that lives in Washington, D.C. In the same way as other canines, Walter adores going for walks in canine parks, laying down for rests, and endeavoring to grapple with his feline sister.

Notwithstanding, there isn’t substantially more he cherishes than sitting in his seat like a human.
The propensity initially began when his mother, Michelle Guo, did not give him any food.

“Walter was my most memorable canine,” Guo starts. “I didn’t realize that asking was a horrendous propensity that was disliked, so at whatever point I ate a feast, I would give Walter a small taste as well.”

But, subsequent to going to a graduation celebration and watching Walter stroll from one individual to another, gazing at them while they ate, Guo understood the asking expected to stop.

“Individuals were getting irritated with Walter continually gazing at them while they were eating — reasonable — so I quit giving him food off my plate.

As a type of dissent, Walter scaled on the seat, sat like a human, and just scowled at me while I had my supper.”

While the propensity initially began as a type of dissent, it before long transformed into Walter’s number one unwinding position. “I have a pet cam and consistently monitor my pets when I’m not at home.

95% of the time, Walter will be sitting in his seat staring at the TV.”

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