This is the moment when a fast-thinking dog saves the life of a poor marine mammal found in desperate need of help.
The hero dog, a Springer Spaniel named Leah, noticed a piglet stuck on the shore and began to bark, taking it to its owner. The man finally managed to save the helpless creature.
Rich Wilcock, a photography lover, was walking with his 2-year-old dog along the coast near Cricket, Wales, when suddenly Leah barked uncontrollably, just as she was trying to get her father’s attention.
Following his dog, Rich was surprised to meet a beach creature.
“I was photographing a beautiful scene when Leah started making the right old noise,” the man told the Daily Post. “He was constantly approaching me, barking and pushing me, because he had smelled a dolphin from a distance of one kilometer.
“At first I thought it was a shark, it was only a foot and a half, but on closer inspection I could see the blowing hole above its head and realized it was a dolphin.”
Although Rich eventually identified the marine mammal as a dolphin, a Seawatch Foundation marine official said it was more likely to actually be a piglet.
Ham are marine mammals that are quite similar to dolphins, but in reality they are closely related to beluga և narwhals.
Most importantly, Richie managed to save the baby’s life by directing him to deep water.
He and Leah then stayed on the beach for at least an hour to make sure the piglet was safe.
“There was no one around for millions, so I did what I could as delicately as possible,” Rick said.
“I gently lifted him under my stomach, threw him back into the waves, he swam away into the deeper water.”
The man also mentioned that his dog received additional gifts when they returned home, as he had to be paid (in full) for the rescue.
“He’s a very smart dog, smarter than most,” he said.
Watch the rescue here.