The Canadian couple Aliki Walter left for Greece to get married in Aliki’s native village, and then decided to spend their honeymoon in that area.
And when they got to one of the tourist attractions, they saw a pack of dogs walking around. That was when a really sick looking dog approached their car.
The dog has very little fur left because its body has been eaten by parasites.
He just looked so miserable. Then the couple changed their honeymoon, devoting their time to helping the poor. They named him Nelson they went to the rescue of Greek animals.
It was there that they said Nelson was only weeks away from death.
The dog was going to be bathed in love and care, but it was time for the couple to return home. Alik will contact his father for updates on Nelson.
And five months later, Nelson was healed. She looked much better with all her skin.
Now Nelson just had to prepare for a very special flight,: you can see how he reunited with his mother at the end of the video. Amazing!