Unbelievable Story . You should read this . Dog finds baby dolphin


“I was photographing the beautiful landscape when I heard my dog ​​shouting at me from below the beach. ‘It is clear that he has found something.’ he said in a YouTube video.

As he approached, he noticed that Leah had spotted a small dolphin on the sand (or was it a piglet). While filming the rescue, this great Samaritan gently led the baby to the ocean.

“After that, I stayed in place for a while to make sure he would not return. I called the Coast Guard when I got the signal, and they passed it on to the science team.

The Savior noted on YouTube: “I think the little boy was lucky because there was no one nearby for miles.”

He named the newborn dolphin Buddy, took a photo of him when he came out safely, and swam again.

Of course, Leah, who saw the need for another animal to tell its owner, was the real hero of the day. “I would have missed him too if my dog ​​had not barked at me,” he said on YouTube.

You did a fantastic job, girl.

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