One of my favorite things are the friendships between different species of animals,as looking at them warms my heart and we immediately understand how much warmth and love there is in these wonderful creatures.
Today’s story of our heroes will also amaze you, which is about a turtle named Leonardo and Simon, a sweet little caw.
The African tortoise was rescued from Bangkok Zoo, and as for Simon, he was brought there in January with a serious leg injury.
The poor cow injured his leg in an accident and when the rescue center found out about him they immediately went to take him to the shelter and gave him a prosthesis to walk.
Initially, the plan was to keep himd at the rescue center for a while before moving it to a place where two other rescued cows are kept.
However, everything turned out much better than they could have imagined. The meeting of these two changed both of their lives because they needed each other so much…
It was just incredible. When the cow met the turtle for the first time, they became friends from the very first moment.
It was love at first sight. They immediately formed a very strong bond, spending every minute together.
The staff tells about them that these two are able to support each other perfectly and their unusual friendship blossoms day by day.
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