Ricky Owens returned home from the store and put all the food next to the refrigerator.
After that he left the door of the house and went out.
When the man returned, he noticed that his cat, Gordon, was brutally walking around the chair.
At the same time, he whispered, dropped his claws, and jumped back.
Rick did not understand what was happening to the four-legged friend, but left the house again.
When he returned, he saw that the cat was already whistling on the food bag.
Ricky picked up his shopping bags and found out that he was a tiger snake a few steps away from him.
This is one of the most dangerous and venomous snakes in Australia, which can end in tears.
The snake immediately ran under the refrigerator, and Rick had to take a risk to get it.
“I saw only a few inches of snake belly sticking out from under the refrigerator.
“I did not know where his head was or where his tail was,” Ricky said.
The man was able to catch it by its tail, and then threw the snake over the fence of the yard.
After this incident, Ricky stated that he would take his cat’s actions seriously, as he would close the door.