The 1-year-old hero dog saved the life of his owner from a 6-foot shark


This is one of the fantastic reasons why you should definitely adopt a dog.

They are ready to do anything for us, even to sacrifice their lives to save us.

He might even save you from a shark attack one day, just like this heroic dog did…

James was out fishing that day when the line started to get extremely tight.

He struggled for about 15 minutes to reel it in, but it turned out he didn’t have to… At the other end was a huge shark.

James wanted to remove the hook from him, but then the animal twisted and fell to the ground, its teeth stuck in James’s ankle . That was so terrible,

He started calling for help and luckily, someone heard him and rushed to help.

It was his 1-year-old pitbull, Darby, waiting for him in the car a short distance away.

The doggie, realizing that it was his owner’s voice, somehow managed to open the car doors and run to help him. Seeing the owner, he quickly went down to save him.

The dog initially bit the shark, but then the shark bit even harder.

However, the dog did not give up and after some time went and grabbed his tail.

Finally, James managed to throw the shark back into the water, after whsich it swam away.

If it wasn’t for his loyal dog, he would certainly be in a much worse situation.

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