Mom changes her daughter’s wheelchair into Cinderella’s carriage which shines in dark


Roslyn Breen’s smart and kind mother, Tiffany Breen, treated her like a king or queen for Halloween.

Because Tiffany was aware of Roslyn’s fondness for Disney princesses, she transformed Roslyn’s wheelchair into a Cinderella’s carriage. Roslyn was born with this muscle issue that has not been identified.

“At this time, Roslyn is officially misdiagnosed – we have exhausted science,” her mother stated. She has hyperplasia, which means that her joints contract and her muscles don’t work as hard.

However, the infant’s seated position does not prevent her from participating in Halloween festivities alongside the other children.

“Roz will always be my beautiful princess,” her mother said. We also anticipated that Cinderella would be a huge success because she loves Disney.

By using her imagination, Tiffany transformed Roslyn’s wheelchair into a magnificent carriage fit for a princess.

“We got some battery-operated lights, hula hoops, and zip ties, and I just bought some decorations and fabric,” Tiffany stated. So it sparkles!

Roslyn stated that the stunning ensemble was completed by the tiny girl in a blue Cinderella costume and crystal shoes.

“I wanted her to attract positive attention,” the mother added. For a variety of reasons, we occasionally attract a lot of attention.”

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