Athena and Apollo are an incredible pair of wild lemurs who are about to become parents for the first time together.
This fantastic wildlife video reveals the flexibility and teamwork of these stunning birds of prey.
After laying five eggs, Athena Apollo take turns sitting on the nest, waiting for their new chicks to arrive. While one keeps the eggs warm, the other flies to catch food.
One by one the eggs come out. Little foggy chicks appear, acidic new parents admire their young offspring.
The nest is covered with newborn feathers, creating a comfortable environment.
However, the parents of the birds simply do not sit and hug their children. Athena is a cruel mother. She repeatedly removes potential threats to her children.
Barn owls and mourning pigeons are not welcome guests, Athena explains. Apollo is also doing a fantastic job as a new father, providing his children with warmth and food.
As these cubs grow older, they will continue to need an outstanding example from their bird parents to help them learn how to care for them in the wider world.
Until the little ones are ready to fly the dome, Athena Apollo will continue to raise the little birds to teach them how to make the best kestrels.