A good Samaritan has found the garbage of 4 abandoned Cocker Spaniel puppies left on a rotten alley in Redhill, Surrey, writes ilovemydogsomuch.
Garbage had spotted skin, sunken eyes, and was critically ill. They were taken by staff at Millbrook Animal Center in Chobham.
After months of care, the puppies named Mike, El, Lucas, and Dustin recovered perfectly. It was soon followed by perfect happy endings for Mike, Ellie, and Lucas, who were adopted by amazing families. But poor Dustin was still waiting for his precious moment.
Unlike his mild-mannered siblings, Dustin was less inclined to live a stable, sheltered family life.
He had the spirit of a spy, his zeal was simply too great for potential adopters. He loved puzzles, games, but no one was ready to take care of his constant need.
After turning sick Dustin into a handsome boy, the staff was disappointed to see his reluctance among the adopters.
As the adventurous Pooh began to get bored in the shelter, the staff began to hide his tennis balls in strange places just to attract him. This exercise changed the game for Dustin.
Seeing Dustin’s ability to smell and search, officers contacted local police to identify Dustin as a potential recruit. Within a few days, everything went smoothly, Dustin appeared as a new member of the Surrey and Sussex Dog Unit.
Dustin (now Badger) serves alongside Officer Steph Barrett, finding drugs, money, and weapons for police officers.
From being lost on the streets to overcoming rejection to finding his true calling – Dustin has certainly come a long way in the first 20 months of his life. We are so proud of him and wish him good luck.
Source: ilovemydogsomuch. tv