In addition to the fact that his skin was bright red, the poor dog had also lost almost all of his hair.
On top of all that, he had a lot of scrapes and sores.
Then he appeared in the cage and was shaking with fear as he did not know where he was…
One day a good Samaritan noticed him walking all alone and sad on the streets of Chicago.
So she immediately spotted him and took him to the Chicago Animal Care Center to get the help he needed.
No one knew how long he had been in that terrible state.
Despite all those unbearable pains, Oliver was so kind and friendly that he simply admired everyone.
The only thing he wanted was just to be loved. Volunteers sat on the ground with him and he rolled over them.
He was so happy that his tail was just wagging all the time.
They believed that the dog had previously belonged to someone and then ended up on the street.
After going through all the necessary inspections, Oliver was diagnosed with Demodex Plague and a skin infection.
One of the volunteers called Lee and her husband decided to take the desperate dog to their home and give him one of the rooms in their house where he would feel more comfortable.
For some time it was quite difficult for the dog and he could not sleep normally.
Lee took excellent care of him, giving him daily baths with shampoos.
That way, she wanted to clean his skin and soothe the irritation.
Most dogs are known to avoid baths, but this dog felt very relaxed and it really helped. It was so awesome!
After the next four weeks, Oliver had excellent results. He finally made a breakthrough after so long.
His skin started to clear and he started to smile for the first time. Oliver was getting more and more adorable every day.
He loved playing with his new toys and running with Lee. He also already loved meeting new people and other dogs.
Oliver already feels perfectly happy and waiting for his eternal family, with whom he will spend his whole life.
Oliver’s strong will to recover is so amazing!!
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