The excitement of the stray kitten was simply boundless that she was finally home.
She was found wandering alone in an arrea of Montreal. Sjhe was so small that she could even fit in the palm of human’s hand.
The kitten was about five weeks old, completely alone in this big world, without a mother or siblings. A kind man, noticing the kitten, approached to help.
He couldn’t leave her there, so he took her home and tried to find someone who would agree to take care of the kitten. He contacted one of the rescuers he knew, Nadia, who quickly agreed to help.
So she took her to Chatons Orphelins Montreal, where she was warmly welcomed and named Nanna.
The little one was also underweight and had some health problems, as it was very difficult to live outside without mother.
But the kitten was brave enouch to overcome everything.
He was not even afraid of the vet from the very first day. A few days later she went into foster care.
Nanna felt great. She was also able to get along with other cats and dogs and in a very short time she became everyone’s favorite.
Nanna now has a new habit. When she spots someone on a compute r, she comes over and offers her “help” to decorate their keyboard.
She is thriving day by day and is so happy that there are so many wonderful people around her who take care of her wonderfully.
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